So, yeeaahhh . . .
I'm taking a break, with the exception of a few posts I've written or have scheduled.
1. This time of year is always crazy busy. Time Management!

2. I started a new business this year and it's going really good! I'm working most days, leaving little time to do anything else.

3. I'm rebranding my author image. The books I had written that were for sale, are no longer available. I have started a new project in a very different genre. Lots of changes coming next year.

4. It has come to my attention that my spending on books, has become out of control. I'm cutting myself off from buying a ton of books. I have an awesome library here that I can borrow from and my current Kindle library has 2,000 or so unread books. Time to catch up.
5. I'm learning new talents and that takes time. I've started doing graphic work. It is a process, since I'm teaching myself. I'm having fun, though!

6. There are going to be quite a few personal life changes coming in 2016. One of which, is relocating to another city/ and or state.

Good luck in 2016, and have a great holiday season!

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